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Day #67: Over-the-Top Man

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The Story:

Over-the-Top Man: A Profile
(Might be fun to read the following like the guy from the Bud Light commercials)

When he orders a drink you better believe he’s getting 2 gallons of sweet tea… and sucking it all down until he winces in pain from the imminent brain-freeze.

Want a can of Maine’s finest beverage, Moxie? Good, cause he’ll bring you over five cases without blinking an eye.

Hungry? That beeping you hear is his dump truck backing up to your house, filled with homemade barbecue and all the fixins’.

Need some motivation to do something with your life? Well, watch out… before you know it you’ll be on an all-nighter to Ireland, following up on your life-long dream to be a Flogging Molly groupie.

Break room at work not providing you a peaceful setting to enjoy your turkey sandwich? No freakin’ problem, cowboy cause here comes Over-the-Top Man and he’s ready to whip up one hell-of-a mural that will have you chewing happy for years to come.

Have an assignment that you think will only take you an hour, tops? Not so fast soldier, Over-the-Top Man has a few ideas he’d like to jam out with you…for over five hours.

Singing along to your favorite song on the radio as you drive home from work? Not if Over-the-Top Man is riding shotgun. You better blast that hair metal till your ears bleed and drum your steering wheel or thrash that air guitar until you wreck into the retention ditch on the highway.

Going to a themed party tonight? Kick into Over-the-Top Man mode and body paint yourself green with a rainbow leading to your own personal pot of gold… if ya know what I mean.

So if you’re gonna go… Go Over-the-Top… Man.


The Not So Fantastic Reality:

The above story was inspired by the following tidbits I encountered today:

ONE:      There were a lot of things today that started off being small potatoes but by the time we got down with them or got to them they had grown much bigger in scale. Each of the ‘over-the-top’ scenarios above were based on events today (except the dump truck filled with barbecue, but how cool would that be?). The day consisted of my tagging along with Andy to Renniger’s, an antique mall in Mt. Dora, so that he could break down a movie script with the Art Director for the feature (who also owns a booth or two at the antique place). On the way, Andy got a craving for a specific brand of soda, Moxie, so we stopped to pick one up…and left with 12.

What was intended as a short trip, maybe an hour- hour and a half tops, ended up being over five hours. Breaking down each item that would appear in each scene of a feature, our little group huddled around a table at the snack shop located in the antique mall. We could have chosen a worse local… since one of the booth operators who is also an artist had painted an awesome Florida scene on three of the walls that housed the snack shop. It was like working on the banks of a river with a perpetual sunset casting its pastel hues on our backs as we moved tirelessly onward. Plus, they had some awesome sweet tea… I think I probably drank two gallons of the stuff while I was there.

Andy's Mom, Mary in her Flogging Molly threads

Later tonight, we attended the photo-viewing party of Andy’s mom and her friend, Bobette, who recently traveled to Ireland. It was an Irish-themed party (wear your green!) and Mary, (Andy’s mama) was so cute and went around telling everyone that if it wasn’t for me showing her my pictures of some of my travels she would have never gone on the trip. It was so sweet. On the way home from this very long day, we decided to rock out to some Slayer and other metal bands in the car (and by we, I mean Andy). I swear to God I thought we were going to go off the road a few times as he rocked out, full on head-banger style while pickin his axe… ok, ok, I admit, it was pretty epic.

Love & Squirrels.